Sunday, July 24, 2011

Easy Home Decor Repurposed Paper Roll Wall Art Project

This is probably one of my favorite DIY projects.
It took me a while to collect the paper rolls, but it was well worth it.
Who knew paper rolls could turn into sweet wall art!!
This project is incredibly versatile, so don't be afraid to get creative with it. 

Initiating DIY...

What You Will Need:
Paper Rolls - I used 9 toilet rolls and 1 paper towel roll
Elmer's Glue
Pack of Laundry Pins or Paper Clips

Start by flattening the paper roll.

Then cut the paper roll into 5 equal parts.

Do this to all of your paper rolls.

Lay them out and start placing them into random positions.
You could also do something more specific like flowers or a patterned design.
Don't think about it too much!

I ended up with a design like this:

Now we'll glue the paper roll cut-outs together:

Begin by picking up one piece of roll and gluing it to the piece next to it:

To make sure the glued area stays together, place a laundry pin or paper clip on the area where you glued:

Repeat that step for the entire design:

Keep the pins on for at least 30 minutes!

When it's dry, pull the pins off, and hang your new wall art! 

Here's how mine turned out!
I put them up in my kitchen.

Spray paint or hand paint them to add some flair.
I decided to keep mine how they were since I like the natural brown paper look.


1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! I'm in Thailand right now, staying at one place for about 3 months. Since my life needs to fit in a back pack, I'm not collecting art--but toilet paper rolls?? Love Love Love!
